Thursday, May 31, 2007

Flower cake

Flower cake, originally uploaded by Iseeittoo.

There is just something about this cake that I adore. The colors are great, the cookies are adorable, and it is so simple.

Pizza Cake

'pizza' cake, originally uploaded by mommawants1more.

A pizza themed party would be complete with this adorable cake.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

30th Pink Birthday Cake

30th Pink Birthday Cake, originally uploaded by abbietabbie.

Simple and Stylish Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake, originally uploaded by PinkCakeBox.

I love this cake decorator. She does a lot of great work.

Ant Picnic

ant picnic, originally uploaded by mommawants1more.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Butterflies & Roses Cupcakes

butterflies & roses, originally uploaded by kylie lambert.

Sometimes cupcakes are just perfect for a party.

Princess and the Pauper Barbie Cake

Fourth of July Celebration Cake

I seldom make a cake for the 4th of July, but wouldn't this be a great cake for any patriotic party. Love that hat!

Graduation Cakes for Two

Graduation Cakes, originally uploaded by Ta Dah Cakes.

This cake is designed for two seperate graduates. I love this cake because it is not the same as every cake we see at graduation parties. The stars, made from fondant, are a great touch. I also love that the cake is simple and tells you where the graduate is heading for college.

Wizard Birthday Cake

Connor's Birthday Cake, originally uploaded by shosady.

Wow! This cake is amazing. The wizard looks like it is made out of fondant, as is all the books and accessories.